Il "gaynews" americano,, da notizia della recente approvazione del registro anagrafico delle coppie di fatto a Padova:
(Padua, Italy) The city council in Padua, in northern Italy, has voted to create a domestic partner registry for same-sex and unmarried opposite-sex couples. The leftist coalition-dominated council voted 26-7 in favor of the motion, making the city the first in Italy to give any official recognition to gay and lesbian couples. The registry has little legal authority, only covering areas in which the city has jurisdiction. Still, it was hailed by LGBT rights supporters as a significant victory, and assailed by conservatives as an affront to the "sanctity of marriage". Continua
Se leggete tutto capirete quanto poco conoscono le difficoltà del governo Prodi di fronte ai diritti glbt. Loro credono che ci sia solo il centrodestra ed il Vaticano ad opporsi.... |